
Voices of the People

These are Burma’s voices for change, extraordinary stories of people of Burma from all walks of life. Their experiences, struggles, fears, and successes. These are unheard stories of incredible spirit of resilience and courage, voices of hope and dreams that have emerged from decades of oppression. Help us spread these voices across the globe!

‘FREEDOM is More Important than Anything’: Karen Major General Nerdah Bo Mya

June 15th, 2016|Lives on the Line, Recommended, Selected stories and interviews, Stories, Voices|

Burma Link | June 15, 2016 Nerdah Bo Mya was born in a small Karen village in a KNU (Karen National Union) controlled area near Manerplaw—the former headquarters of the KNU and the pro–democracy movement—as [...]

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‘If Men Can Do These Things, I Can also Do These Things’: Young Arakanese Woman Thazun

June 1st, 2016|Featured Collection, Lives on the Line, Stories, Voices|

By Burma Link | June 1, 2016 Thazun is a courageous, beautiful and talented young Arakanese [Rakhine] woman who talks openly about her life and experiences. Despite being forced to spend her childhood separated from [...]

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‘I Don’t Want This Case to Disappear’: Family of Two Mon Fishermen Killed by a Burmese Army Captain

May 12th, 2016|Interviews, Voices|

Burma Link | May 12, 2016 In a Mon fishing village Magyi Chaung Wa, Ye Township, everything changed in the early hours of March 9th, 2016. Two fishermen, 23-year-old Chit Soe and his 40-year-old uncle [...]

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Burma Truth On-Line Film Festival and Arts Competition: “Helping Ethnic Minorities have Voice”

September 8th, 2015|Announcements, Press Releases and Statements, Recommended, Your Voice|

Ethnics have been greatly disadvantaged by those in power in Burma, as well as by those in the international community who support them. There are differing viewpoints on this matter that need to be brought to light. This festival-competition is intended to give activists, artists and interested […]

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